Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cleaning cleaning..crazy amazing cleaning.. (note! that needed to be sung)

As promised; the blog entry of the year.. (above is a shirt I found last night that I WANT)..

It was just me and the animals today. I stayed up very late last night and didn't get up until 10 (!) this morning; prepared Zelda's food and took her for a walk. It snowed, it's still snowing.

Then I started to clean and clean and clean. And throw out boxes that's been piling from Christmas presents and kitchen machines and 98 Lapin Kulta beers purchased on Tallinn trip.. I threw out 4 pair of boots. FOUR pairs. I organized the chaotic walk-in closet where Astrid has her little hang out. The rats get very curious when I shower around their cage..

Watched/listened to BBC throughout most of the day.. Obama, health insurance..

I did laundry for 6 hours even though you're not really suppose to book that many hours, but noone else seemed interested in doing laundry this white Sunday..

Mia and Viggo stopped by and Viggo got a haircut :)

That's pretty much it. Tomorrow I'm gonna try an apple & cloudberry yogurt for breakfast. Time to shower and head to bed earlish.

The End

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