Monday, December 31, 2007

Gott nytt får. - Bää..

So then Christmas Day rolled around and I got to see my dear Helena - who was in Falun for a few - at McD (the only place open) and exchanged gifts and had french fries (a k a strips in Sverige), I got some really cool food from Japan and Mia got a Hello Kitty cell phone decoration that she'd bought in Harajuku (veeery cool). I kept the Japanese grub at Jon's when I left.

In the evening Helena came over and hung with Jon, myself and Johan; had some red, glögg and homemade guac, yummm. We went down to Banken and met up w/ Fredrik; they played pretty good music there but the scene was a bit forced, later on ended the night at dinosaurville Kings Arms where Helena's big brother Nils was drinking beer with his buddies (Nils is not a dinosaur though).

I dunno, the days passed by; stopped by at Kristine Church, celebrated xmas once again at dad's; got some sweet gifts, saw Johan Berglund at Firefly/Banken for some wine, visited Malin and checked in on how much her big boys Alfons & Felix had grown (a lot!), had some more potatismos & räksallad (I need to go on a serious diet now), major fika at Mia & Jesper's where all 4 kids were extremely quiet and McD in Hedemora w/ lovebird Jon before we hit Arlanda.

New Yrs Eve I fell asleep around 10pm (22.00) after having some popcorn and lime-raspberry seltzer and then the new yr started and I was back at my gym, ya know; yada yada yada...

Posted January 4, 2008.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Svärjä

Friday night - Dec 21 - my brother Johan and myself went to see Slagsmålsklubben at Arenan in Falun, it kicked ass, everyone was about 10 yrs younger than me, but it kicked ass and it was fun to see them live.

The day before my dad bought me an adapter at Teknikbolaget in Borlänge so now I can take pictures again, aaaaawwwwwesome! :-)

Yesterday we hung out at my sister's while the kids weren't here (the kids are her boyfriends' 4 cutie patootie sons Adrian, Kasper, Tinus and Viggo. We kicked major butt in our classic Mario Kart and watched the hilarious "Tomten är pappa till alla barn".

It's Christmas Eve. We've had Mexican Christmas Brunch at Mia, Martin and Marcus' dad Ulf (yup, same name as mine) and his girlfriend Helena, it was a success; tequila shots at 10.30am, nachos w/ black beans, corn, cheddar cheese & chicken enchiladas with pineapple salsa served w/ margaritas! Yummm...

Then MORE food in Svärdsjö at my sister's; Kalle Anka and christmas gifts; I got a Nintendo DS (w/ Mario Kart & Tetris)!!!
I got banana Kaviar as well. Ha!

We're chillin now in the Mario Galaxy..

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ku-ku Kaviar

Mia convienced me not to buy the swirled Kalles Kaviar with banana at ICA yesterday, I really wanted to try it though. *Sigh*.

There was one with egg as well, she and the boyfriend said it was disgusting.
My brother Anders told me the egg one was delicious.

We met up with Emil at the Svärdsjösian supermarket and then I was off to Falun.

En busskontrollant hoppade på i Danholn och talade om för mej att mitt kommunkort va för upp till 25 år, jag tyckte väl att det hade varit lite billigt när jag köpte det dgn innan men inget jag hade gått och grunnat på, mamma skämtade och sa att "ja det e bara att åka tills en kontrollant kliver på..." Jag förklarade för herr Kontrollant att jag inte hade nån som helst aning att det va upp till 25 jordsnurr kortet jag åkte på, chauffören hade faktiskt inte frågat heller. Så det så. Kontrollanten hade rådmöte med sina hjärnceller i 2 minuter tills han kom fram till att jag inte behövde betala en endaste krona extra. Tryggt.

Dinner at dad's in Varggår'n later on, Extreme Sport Channel, icecream, Svensson Svensson and Äntligen Hemma.
Snickare Björn är söt.

Lunch with darling Malin at Tzatziki today and coffee at Bergström shopping ctr's new café that noone ever remembers the name of.
Strolled up to Rusta and bought some pink stuff for my room and Bilar; the limited Christmas edition that looks like sleighs.
I'm at mom's now sipping home made wine. My dad emailed and said he picked up an adapter at a store in Borlänge which I will get tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a lot of photographing to do now...

Monday, December 17, 2007

It's fun to sing - if you sing with a Ying

The Smörgåsbord - on Sunday - was yum, but not overwhelmingly impressive. It was nice seeing da familia though and meet my cousin's quasi new boyfriend, oh so cute, they live in a house now.

It's been cold as a witch's tit the last 2 days, but beautifully sunny.

Stupid On/Off didn't have an adapter so suck you fothermucker. I'm working the disposable cam, I bet there will be many extraordinary pictures. (Poo, poo, poo, well what can one do...).

Malin.R came to pick me up by Konsum (öststats-Konsum my mom calls it, ha!) and ran into my old school buddy Jon, he's one cute cat. A wee bit sniffly though indeed, he butchered meat when he wasn't luckily shopping in Kvarnberget.

Went home to Malin in Knoppen and met her HUSBAND (hardcore) and his adorable munchkins Linnea, Adrian and William. Later that night I was introduced to the most remarkable SINGSTAR.

I kicked some ass, so did Malin and Markus as well.

My love darling Marcus and I strolled downtown Falun yesterday for a few (hrs) and: giggled, looked at condoms at Apoteket, tried every hat at Stadium, had coffee at new café in the Bergströms mall, hung at the Nordea bank and at my ex husband's love palace Sibylla. I asked for mashed potatoes and shrimp salad and the woman in the little Sibylla cottage looked at me and asked: - Vill du ha någon korv till det eller...? (Want a hot dog with that or...?). Well if I all of a sudden wanted to start eating pork I would GLADLY have ASKED for it. Idiot.

I'm at my sister's Mia's in Svärdsjö, we've watched one of my favorite movies Resan till Melonia and had cold waffles for breakfast, or I did. We're soon off to Svärdsjö DOWNTOWN to eat pizza and go shopping at ICA. Word.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Swedish Sunday

Jag är i Sverige.

It's 9.40 on Sunday morning and I'm not on my way to church.

Instead I'm chewing mentholhoneylemonflavored Extra after an intake of blueberry-raspberry fil (comparable to kefir if you want to find out at Gristedes/Whole Foods/Gourmet Garage) with apple-cinnamon müesli.
Müesli is a god forsaken superb food. I once had a conversation with a hot (in my mind, until he turned out to be a jerkbag) American rockstar that said: " - I wish we were in Scandinavia right now, we could wake up and have some proper muesli and cod..." Pretty funny atm, alas he turned out to be a jerkbag so no morning rise at Skycity Hotel indulging in that phenomenal breakfast buffet... (woah, wouldn't that be something, hee hee...I could SO skip the bfast, don't get me wrong now ladies and gents, LOL).

The sun is up and so are my mom's 3 adorable cats Missan, Jamis and Astrid. Astrid is the new dudette in the family, a silver Bengal from the fog of the Himalayan mountain tops where ancient gurus chant and sacrifices dog brains on a shrine with pink gerber flowers.

She's quiet cute...

I didn't charge my camera battery before I headed to Sweden + picked up the wrong adapter at Newark airport so now I have NO camera. It sucks stupid rockstar ass, but hopefully I'll find a new one at On/Off today. On/Off is like Best Buy or Circuit City, but in a more lame and expensive way.

I'm gonna go out for a walk now, it's probably freezin out, but I'm off to Christmas smörgåsbord in the town that god forgot (Borlänge, mwhahahahaha!) so I better move my fat butt a bit.