Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year

Long time ~ no write

Dec 28; L.A buddy Lina - who was hanging out with family in Tällberg over Christmas - came to visit in Falun, we had very organic and fat free homemade elk burgers and some Ecologica :) We walked downtown and had some coffee at my favorite spot Pralin. Mia, Millie, Jesper and Viggo stopped by, my baby brother Marcus as well. It was a good afternoon.. I bought a purple fruit bowl at Indiska and checked out the new huge shoe store Deichmann.

New Year came around; we stayed in and served a 3 course dinner when my mom + bf arrived around 21 (9pm); gingerbread cookies with creme fraiche/smoked salmon/wasabi as an appetizer, followed by spicy chicken & mushroom enchiladas and a dessert made of meringue, orange and whipped saffron cream. Toasted in champagne and watched fireworks outside, played Blokus; and 2009 had arrived..

Mia stopped by the next day with Viggo and had some mussel soup, after that we walked around the teeny tiny lake Tisken here in Falun, it was freezin, but it was good to get some fresh air and exercise. I truly need to start working out for real again.
More walks Mia!!

January 3, Saturday; Mia and Jesper had to go to a funeral and Mia stopped by with Millie on Friday night, Millie had some food and fell asleep, she slept next to my bed all night and around 5 in the morning she managed to occupy my bed as well ;-) I was a wee bit worried how she would react when she woke up in the morning, but all was good, she was in a good mood all day, we took walks with stroller, went to the museum, ate, watched TV, played with rats, took naps :-) It was fun day.

January 4, Sunday evening; An "After Christmas" night at my place with dudes and darlings from Varggården; Pappa (daddy), Ulla, Anders, Johan and Johan's pretty girlfriend Sara that I met for the first time. I received a gift certificate to SIBA and a necklace :) Yay, presents!

January 5, Monday; went to see farmor & farfar (grandma & grandpa) in Borlänge, brought a pretty Azalea plant.
Invited over to the Ragnegård family in the evening where a delicious fish soup was served. We played a board game called Absolut Överens which was really fun and then my official real poker game.. which I won. Eat it.

Tonight is Grammisgalan, a Swedish music award show.. I like the look and layout of their website..
I'm gonna make yet another seafood (crabsticks?) soup which will be served with Umbala.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Mellandagsrea på Annandagen, yay; shopping!

Traskade - över stock å sten å gnm kyrkans staket i den härliga vintersolen - till Jysk idag med Macke (bärhjälp) och införskaffade 2 jättesköna täcken för 199kr (behövde bara ett, men erbjudandet gick ej att motstå) och 2 nya sköna kuddar för 100kr, kanon! Igårkväll följde jag med Tina till City Gross bl a och köpte rosa örngott; härligt med nytt å fräscht.

När tillfälle har getts (och jag inte firat jul med nån del av släkten på juldagen) har jag gått ut på juldagen här i Falun, det har typ hänt 2 ggr; en gång på Harrys (2005) och en gång på Banken/Kings Arms (den berömda spagatuppvisningskvällen) (2007), men igår stannade jag hemma, det va ganska skönt; lite taxfree Lapin Kulta och whiskygroggar, iTunes, Pirates 2 (vilken e favorite of mine utav piratfilmerna) osv.. La mej mellan 1-2, men väcktes kl 2.15 av ett relativt oskyldigt booty call av en mkt full pojke nerifrån stan. Det va dock ej Carl Urban som va på studiebesök i Falu stad, så jag fick ligga kvar i min ensamhet, och somnade om på stört.

Efter Jysk shoppingen käkade Macke och jag lite scrambled eggs med röd lök, Västerbotten ost och franska örter, sen kilade jag ner på stan och träffade herr å fru Ragnegård; gick till H&M och Gina Tricot med Malin innan vi träffade Markus för en fika.
På H&M blev det en jacka och ett par svarta tränings (ute) byxor (498kr) och på Gina en lång svart kofta och en lila långärmad tröja (249kr), jackan passade jättefint (tyckte Macke), sen har jag inte provat det andra än.

Det e meningen att jag ska försöka städa och organisera klädkammaren ikväll. Gaah. Har även 14 driljoner papper att sätta in i min pärm. Men än e klockan bara barnet (17.40).
Till dgn bör tilläggas att jag nu har införskaffat alla böcker till de 3 komvuxkurserna (Matte C, Kemi A, Fysik A) nästa år. Gulp.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Det var en God Jul (It was a Merry Christmas)

9.30 today: Ulf (my sister Mia and my brothers Marcus and Martin's dad) picked us up at my apt and we drove to Helena & his place 5 minutes away.
9.45: Started appetizer dish, chatted, listened to music, snuggled Siri (the cat), had some tequila and waited for Mia, Jesper and Millie to arrive; which they did shortly after 11.00. My brother Martin who lives nearby stopped by with his Zelda - the Princess - as well.
We continued last year's success with a Mexican Christmas lunch; an idea noone seemed to dislike ;-)
For appetizer I made a roquemole; guacamole with Roquefort cheese and jalapeno peppers; which was served with tortilla chips and Mexican beer, it was pretty delicious. For entre we had toast with scrambled eggs with red and yellow peppers, red onion, corn, Västerbotten cheese and fresh cilantro, YUM.
After lunch Helena served up a homemade cheesecake and then.. we were STUFFED.

Drove off to mom's a couple of hours later after picking up Jesper's mom Monica and her dog Lurvas, everyone were in a great mood and mom's place was really cozy with lit candles, red and gold decorations, stars and more candles, even her dining room chairs and couch were Christmas red (for real..).. (there was a lot of chocolate as well.. lord have mercy)..

We had glögg and gingerbread cookies with Gorgonzola and Castello cheese, watched Kalle Anka (Disney special on channel 1 since I was a kid) and then came more FOOD! A very typical Swedish Christmas smörgåsbord with herring, potatoes, meatballs, ham and mustard, salmon and Christmas bread with sliced cheese.

THEN, came presents. I think the ones I gave this year were appreciated.
I got a pink blender from OBH Nordica which I've had my eyes on for about a year or so, LOL! Tack Mia & Jesper, and Millie.
I also got a motherfucking cheese slicer ya hrrrrrrrrd..

Watched "Karl-Bertil Jonssons Julafton" and had the cheesecake I made last night (and had forgot that I brought) with cherry marmalade, quiet splendid indeed ;-) But that was enough cheesecaking for this millennium..

Cab home. Cleaning up apt tomorrow.

Avis quam potes cibare, vetula sed nulli picare..

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Undesperate housewives

My baby brother (19) Marcus and myself are baking and cooking tonight; cherry cheesecake, peanutbutter cookies and mustard w/ whisky, suck on that; HUSMOR MIA!

Read my little sister's (24) blog last night where she mentioned that she was making Christmas candy, lord oh lord I thought; you are soo TOO much ;-)

My friend Helena came up from Stockholm to celebrate Christmas w/ her family in Dalarna, we met up and she stopped by to see my apt tonight; had some cloudberry glögg and played a set of Blokus, she won, no less (bitch).

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve when the Swedes celebrate Christmas; first off is a Mexican Christmas brunch at Ulf and Helena's and later on we will enjoy Disney's annual Christmas celebration on TV at 15.00 (3pm) and have a traditional Swedish Smörgåsbord at my mom's!

Martin and I went to Estland's capital Tallinn on a 4 day long and very lovely trip a week ago; enjoyed lots of good food on the cruise ship, frozen raspberry margaritas at the pool's bar, saunas, outdoor swimming, Christmas market, medieval restaurants and cheap shopping; it was quiet outstanding!

Back to the cookies. Cheesecake is resting on the shelf in the fridge and will be ready by tomorrow. About to start the mustard..

God Jul! **

Ok, jag överdrev, senapen - som skulle blivit en present - misslyckades, ngt i uppsvällningsprocessen gick fel, tror jag. Rackans :( Har äntligen så här 23.50 slagit in alla klappar..

Dan före tisdan före DoppareDan

Jag önskar mej en osthyvel i julklapp.
En osthyvel skulle glädja detta hushåll stort.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

" - Like the fish Marlin.. without R.."

Dec 10 is my "namesday" in Sweden;

Some people celebrate their namesday with cake and will maybe receive a small gift, other people don't have a clue where their name is placed on the Swedish calender year.
So Dec 10 is MALIN, all day :-D
It´s also the day when the Nobel prizes are presented by the King of Sweden here in Sweden, the anniversary day of Alfred Nobel´s death.

So I decided that "After Work" does NOT need to take place at a bar. I thought I could start a new tradition on Kisvägen 30C :-D
For last night´s soiree mini invitations were sent out by Facebook mass mail and sms, people showing up from youngest to oldest were: Millie, Samuel, Mia, Jesper, Sara and Tina :-D YAY; creds to these folks and much thanks for coming, thanks for the wine and the lovely scented princess shower gel, thanks for challenging my ass in Blokus.
In addition to this I need to let all know that if you´re ever invited to MY place; there´s NO need to bring any kind of beverage or food. "Dryck m tilltugg" will in the future mean that you can come and stuff your face with edible goodies and fall asleep with your mouth open under a bag-in-a-box.
Last night yum yum: gingerbread cookie with horseradish cream, salami and pickle.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

En tripp till dit de bor länge

Denna eftermiddag och tidiga kväll har jag varit på Kupolen i den fina staden Borlänge och handlat: * 12 rosa JULA kylskåpsmagneter, * en hålslagare (kostar 199kr på Akademibokhandeln och 49kr på JULA och Tiimari; införskaffade den på JULA, förhoppningsvis inte samma skrot som Tiimari), * diverse mat på Willys inkl mkt ost, * rosa Sony hörlurar på OnOff (som jag egentligen hatar), * ngt som jag ska ge till mammutt och Dan i julklapp, * lila ljus på samma affär, * en grön å guld klapp till Mia och EN KLÄNNING (till mej)på H&M! ..som jag sett på H&M i Falun för några veckor sen (!) men som ej fanns i min storlek, men JOVISST hade de stlk 38 på H&M i Blge. Hade tänkt erhålla lite fiskelina (för att hänga upp lila julkulor i vardagsrumsfönstren) av ngn jag känner i Falu stad; men eftersom jag gick förbi en fiskebutik när jag gick fr Elgiganten (där den billigaste handdammsugaren jag sett i reklambladet var utsåld) så slank jag in och bad att få köpa lite lina; fick 3 meter GRATIS!

Long live BLGE