Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Undesperate housewives

My baby brother (19) Marcus and myself are baking and cooking tonight; cherry cheesecake, peanutbutter cookies and mustard w/ whisky, suck on that; HUSMOR MIA!

Read my little sister's (24) blog last night where she mentioned that she was making Christmas candy, lord oh lord I thought; you are soo TOO much ;-)

My friend Helena came up from Stockholm to celebrate Christmas w/ her family in Dalarna, we met up and she stopped by to see my apt tonight; had some cloudberry glögg and played a set of Blokus, she won, no less (bitch).

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve when the Swedes celebrate Christmas; first off is a Mexican Christmas brunch at Ulf and Helena's and later on we will enjoy Disney's annual Christmas celebration on TV at 15.00 (3pm) and have a traditional Swedish Smörgåsbord at my mom's!

Martin and I went to Estland's capital Tallinn on a 4 day long and very lovely trip a week ago; enjoyed lots of good food on the cruise ship, frozen raspberry margaritas at the pool's bar, saunas, outdoor swimming, Christmas market, medieval restaurants and cheap shopping; it was quiet outstanding!

Back to the cookies. Cheesecake is resting on the shelf in the fridge and will be ready by tomorrow. About to start the mustard..

God Jul! **

Ok, jag överdrev, senapen - som skulle blivit en present - misslyckades, ngt i uppsvällningsprocessen gick fel, tror jag. Rackans :( Har äntligen så här 23.50 slagit in alla klappar..

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