Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I was driving in Jerz today - I believe I was in one of "The Oranges" - and witnessed a black little car getting smashed by a yellow school bus at a crossroad, it was something out of the movies when the car just exploded and what was left of it was thrown through a fence and into someone's yard. I think it was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

Heath Ledger passed away a couple of hours ago in the fairytale town on New York.


I started the Master Cleanse lemon/cayenne/grade B maple syrup diet today. A little experiment to see if I could do it. I've drinking plenty of tea, I cheated this morning (yup, I started off by cheating) with some Starbucks' Triple Grande Soy Latte. I may cheat even more now before I work out and have a sugar free Red Bull.

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