Mommy was over tonight for our weekly
"iron meeting", meaning the evening when we indulge in
blodpudding (which contains plenty of iron) and usually a glass or two of red.
Tonight's 3 course menu at my casa:
* Gingerbread cookies with cheddar cheese, a slice of Granny Smith and topped with a baby dollop of mango chutney. * Blodpudding with lingonberry for the main course.. * and a most delicious (but a tad sweet) secret recipe raspberry dessert. Glögg and an organic Shiraz from Argentina were served. It's easy to pop into a Gristedes/Shoprite/Whole Foods/corner bodega for a block of cheddar cheese; you have the options of Sharp, Extra Sharp or This-is-really-gonna-put-some-taste-to-your-nachos Sharp. But in the big supermarket in the city centre in my hometown I could only find one block of cheddar which I couldn't figure if there was some sting in or not, so I actually picked up a Creme Bonjour with cheddar flavor, it turned out alright.